Sunday, March 1, 2009

Seven Days of Sobriety

In an effort to improve the marathon-training process, I recently pledged to give up all recreational substances until the event. That's about two months. It was a bold move on my part, as I probably haven't gone two weeks without some form of chemical indulgence for about... Shit, are we counting weed? Because if we are, than I don't even wanna finish that sentence.

But anyhow, today marks the close of my seventh day; it's my one week mark! Do I get a chip? That would be nice. At least I would feel like I accomplished something.

The number seven tends to allude to things of interest: Dwarfs, Deadly Sins, Types of Ambiguity... days of CREATION. So "Seven Days of Sobriety" is anomalous in that way, but even that doesn't make it interesting. This weekend, I was the most boring person I've ever met. If anyone asks me about my weekend tomorrow, I will be embarrassed to answer. I wont even be able to answer; so devoid are the last two days of anything even remotely worth sharing.

It's funny; one might argue that I did quite a bit. I watched two movies, read a book, ran 22 miles, and tried a new restaurant (Grezzo is A-MA-ZING). I cleaned my room, I polished my jewelery, I got my nails done. I also answered a question that's been plaguing me for years: "Where do people find the time to do all this shit?" (see above). Clearly, time, and the motivation to do anything with it, is found in the absence of chemicals pulsing through one's system. Who would've thought?

But... who gives a shit if a life of productivity only exists within the confines of a social wasteland? And I don't even mean to imply that not drinking excludes me from socializing during the weekend (even though it kind of does). But not having anything interesting to talk about on Monday; no crazy stories or funny comments to quote... now that is antisocial.

I was expecting big things. A natural high at the very least. I'm giving it two more weeks. By then, if chemical abstinence does not feel amazing (isn't it supposed to? I actually felt like shit these past few days, but that might just be part of the detox process), and if I still feel like a fucking misfit; well, then, I'm going to have to give moderation a shot.